DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly

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Digital Humanities Quarterly Special Issue on AudioVisual DH: Challenges and Possibilities

Co-Editors: Taylor Arnold, Stefania Scagliola, Lauren Tilton, Jasmijn van Gorp

The Digital Humanities Quarterly Special Issue on AudioVisual DH invites contributions that address digital humanities approaches to audio and/or visual data. DH scholars engaged in fields such as art history, history, film studies, media studies, musicology, oral history, and sound studies have long understood the historical and contemporary centrality of audio and/or visual (AV) to knowledge production. The issue will demonstrate how inquiry into AV materials is shaping DH and how DH is reshaping AV scholarship. It is guided by three questions:

  • What are digital and computational approaches to sound, images, and time-based media?
  • How do these methods and approaches produce new knowledge and shift scholarship in a particular scholarly domain?
  • What are the challenges and possible futures for AV in DH?

We invite multimedia articles as well as written articles (short articles between 1,500 - 3,000 and long articles between 3,000 - 8,000 words), reviews, software, and case studies. Abstracts (500 words with a short bibliography) are due September 20th, 2019. Full contribution will be due November 30th, 2019. Questions and abstract submissions should be sent to AVinDHSpecialIssue@gmail.com.

The Special Issue is endorsed by the ADHO AVinDH Special Interest Group. For more information on the AVinDH SIG, visit https://avindhsig.wordpress.com/.