DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly
Author Biographies
Hannah Alpert-Abrams Hannah Alpert-Abrams is a PhD candidate in comparative literature at the
University of Texas at Austin. She manages the "Reading the First Books" project at LLILAS Benson Latin
American Studies and Collections.
Aaron Beveridge Aaron Beveridge is a PhD candidate in the Department of English at the
University of Florida. Aaron's teaching and research focus on the use of
data science tools and methods to research digital rhetoric and
networked writing. Grounded primarily in the study of social network
trends, his teaching and research interests also include media ecology,
the rhetoric of science, technical communication, and maker culture.
Lou Boves Lou Boves is retired professor of Language and Speech Technology, Radboud
University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. His research interests are
cognitive models of information processing, computational modelling and
human-system interaction.
Adam James Bradley Adam Bradley is a PhD candidate in both the department of English
Language and Literature and Systems Design Engineering. He is interested
in the intersections between technology and traditional literary studies
with a focus on early 20th century poetics. His current work focuses on
digital tool design for literary criticism and investigations into how
philology can still function within a technological context.
Rob Brennan Rob Brennan is a senior research fellow in the ADAPT Centre for Digital
Content Technology, SFI Research Centres Programme (Grant 13/RC/2106)
co-funded by the European Regional Development at Trinity College Dublin
(TCD), Ireland. His research interests include knowledge models for
digital history, semantic interoperability, data quality, and the
application of linked data technology. He has contributed to and edited
several international data, web and communications standards. He has a
PhD (2005) in Electronic Engineering from Dublin City University and
currently works in the Knowledge and Data Engineering Group at Trinity
College Dublin. Prior to TCD he worked in the Ericsson network
management research center and several internet startups.
Tina Budzise-Weaver Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian, Assistant Professor, Texas
A&M University Libraries
Sheelagh Carpendale Sheelagh Carpendale is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science
at the University of Calgary where she holds a Canada Research Chair in
Information Visualization and NSERC/AITF/SMART Technologies Industrial
Research Chair in Interactive Technologies. Her research on information
visualization, large interactive displays, and new media draws on her
background in Computer Science, Art and Design.
Adam Crymble Adam Crymble is a lecturer of digital history at the University of
Hertfordshire and an editor of the Programming Historian. He was the
project manager of British History Online
in 2014 during the project redesign, when this survey was conducted.
Thomas Currie T.E. Currie did a PhD in Evolutionary Anthopology at University College
London (UCL), and held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of
Tokyo before returning to UCL. His research applies modern evolutionary
theory to investigate long-term patterns & processes involved in the
origin and maintenance of human socio-political organization. He is
currently a Senior Lecturer in Cultural Evolution in the Biosciences
department of the University of Exeter, Penryn Campus where he has
established the Human Biological & Cultural Evoltuion Group. He is
an editorial board member of Seshat, with responsibilities for
agriculture, resources, and population variables.
Dan Faltesek Assistant Professor of Social Media, School of Arts and Communication,
Oregon State University
Kevin Feeney Kevin Feeney is a senior research fellow at the school of computer
science and statistics at Trinity College Dublin. He is coordinator of
the European Horizon 2020 ALIGNED project (http://aligned-project.eu/) and information technology editor of
Pieter François Pieter François is a Senior Lecturer in Digital History and the Director
of the Cliodynamics Lab at the University of Hertfordshire. He is a
Fellow of St. Benet’s Hall and a member of the Cultural Evolution Lab,
University of Oxford. In 2011 he co-founded, with Peter Turchin and
Harvey Whitehouse, the Seshat: Global History Databank project.
Mark Hancock Mark Hancock is an Associate Professor of Management Sciences in the
Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo and Associate
Director of the Games Institute. His research is in the field of
Human-Computer Interaction and includes the design and development of
interfaces and interaction techniques for digital surfaces. His research
also focuses on the science of games and interaction?using concepts from
game design, such as engagement, immersion, and enjoyment, to inform the
design of more motivating and compelling novel interfaces.
Travis Kirton Currently director of the interaction design lab Logic&Form, Travis
is a creative engineer, designer and researcher. He holds an MA of
Interface Culture and a BSc of Interactive Arts, with a specialization
in Interaction Design.
J.G. Manning J.G. Manning was educated at The Ohio State University and the University
of Chicago, where he studied Egyptology and Ancient History, taking an
AM and a PHD in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and
Civilizations. His research has two primary research foci, the economic
and legal History of the Hellenistic world, and Egyptian history in the
long run. At Yale he is the William K. and Marilyn M. Simpson Professor
of History and of Classics, with appointments also in the Department of
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and at Yale Law School. He is
co-Director of the Yale Initiative for the Study of Antiquity and the
Premodern World.
Timothy Messer-Kruse Timothy Messer-Kruse received his Ph.D. in History from the University
of Wisconsin-Madison. In 1995 he joined the History department at the
University of Toledo where he served as chair from 2003 to 2005 and was
recognized with the university’s Outstanding Teaching Award in 2003. In
2006 he was appointed chair of the Ethnic Studies department at Bowling
Green State University. In 2013 BGSU awarded him the Olscamp Research
Award for outstanding scholarly achievements.
Sean Morey Sean Morey is an assistant professor in the Department of English at the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Sean's work focuses on the
intersections of rhetoric, digital technologies, and environmental
studies with applications for the humanistic development of emerging
technologies. Sean's publications include Rhetorical Delivery and Digital Technologies: Networks, Affect,
Electracy (Routledge 2015), Ecosee:
Image, Rhetoric, Nature (SUNY 2009, co-edited with Sid
Dobrin), and Augmented Reality: Perspectives Across
Art, Industry, and the Humanities (Parlor Press 2016,
co-edited with John Tinnell).
Henriette Roued-Cunlife Assistant Professor at The Royal School of Library and Information
Erik Kenneth Shell Erik Shell is a graduate student of Classics at UCLA. His research
interests include Ancient Greek medicine, 3D modeling in archaeology,
and DH pedagogical applications.
Peter Turchin Peter Turchin is a professor in the Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut; Research
Associate in the School of Anthropology, University of Oxford; and
Vice-President of the Evolution Institute. He conducts research on the
cultural evolution and historical dynamics of past and present
societies. He is the author of seven books, including War and Peace and
War (2005), Secular Cycles (2009), and most recently Ultrasociety (2016)
and Ages of Discord (2016). Website: http://peterturchin.com/
Antal van den Bosch Antal van den Bosch is full professor of Language and Speech Technology
at the Centre for Language Studies, Faculty of Arts, Radboud University,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His research interests are natural language
processing, text analytics, text mining, machine learning, data mining,
memory-based learning, machine translation, the relation between written
and spoken language, writing support tools, the Dutch language, digital
humanities, and digital heritage.
Nicholas M Van Horn Nicholas M. Van Horn is a professor in the Department of Psychology at
Capital University, where he teaches and researches in the
interdisciplinary field of computational cognitive neuroscience. His
work in this area represents the convergence of advances in a number of
related fields, including neuroscience, psychology & psychophysics,
computer vision, artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling, as well
data science more broadly construed. In parallel with this work, he
researches online and networked data, including its effect on our
privacy and rights, actively writing and maintaining open source
software related to data mining, writing and productivity, statistical
analysis, and other software tools for automated analysis of text and
images. (http://www.nicholasvanhorn.com)
Miguel Escobar Varela Miguel Escobar Varela is Assistant Professor of Theatre Studies at the
National University of Singapore and director of the Contemporary Wayang
Archive (cwa-web.org). He has worked as a software programmer,
translator and theater researcher in Mexico, The Netherlands, Singapore
and Indonesia. His research interests are the digital humanities and
Indonesian theatre. His articles have appeared in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Performance Research, Contemporary
Theatre Review, The Drama
Review, New Theatre Quarterly,
Theatre Research International and
Asian Theatre Journal. More information
at miguelescobar.com.
Suzan Verberne Suzan Verberne is a researcher at the Centre of Language Studies and the
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands. She obtained her doctoral degree in 2010. Her
research area is Human-Computer Information Interaction. Her main
research interests are information seeking behaviour, information access
for the humanities and text mining for information access.
Harvey Whitehouse Harvey Whitehouse is Chair of Social Anthropology and Director of the
Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology at the University
of Oxford. One of the founders of the cognitive science of religion, his
theory of ‘modes of religiosity’ has been the subject of extensive
critical evaluation and testing by anthropologists, historians,
archaeologists, cognitive scientists, and evolutionary theorists. His
books include ‘Inside the Cult’ (OUP, 1995), Arguments and Icons (OUP,
2000), and Modes of Religiosity (AltaMira, 2004). Website: http://www.harveywhitehouse.com