The use of new technologies, media and computational methods in Humanities may
evolve and indeed it is already changing the “contents” and
“forms” of contemporary education, opening new scenarios
previously unimaginable. Nowadays Visual Mobile Devices, smartphones, tablets,
etc, contribute to a range of computer-mediated activities, which are related to
specific locations and times. But for such critical reflection, we need a closer
look to deeper layers of our culture to unveil the characteristics of new
technologies and devices. This paper describes some emerging aspects of the
teaching use of visual communication techniques in primary and secondary
schooling. In particular it reviews the evidence of the efficiency of visual
communication for learning both in varied curriculum disciplines and of
transversal socio-ethical affective skills necessary for the promotion of health
and the construction of a planetary citizenship. The paper illuminates the
didactic applicability and unique potential of images for the epistemological
peculiarities of different disciplines, highlighting how educational use of
images in creative pedagogy can be more focused given the function they perform
in the more general cognitive process of individuals. The theoretical analysis
of the teaching validity of the use of visual communication, as reported in the
international literature, seems to receive confirmation from a case study, which
provides detailed analyses of how this technique can enhance specific projects
and demonstrates its significance for wider practitioners.
1. Images and Learning
In the last decade societies have witnessed the sudden and widespread
introduction of new technologies, all of which involve sophisticated and complex
processes of communication. This phenomenon has been described as a digital
revolution that, on a daily basis, transforms contemporary life. However, the
increasing spread of technologies for managing information and communication in
effect runs parallel to the changing learning needs and learning modes of
individuals. This in effect has resulted in the need to plan and organize new,
more flexible and responsive pedagogical approaches [
Gallelli and Annacontini 2011, 13]. We live in a society increasingly dominated by communication via
images. In recent years, new information technologies have significantly
expanded the possibilities for representing information. The Internet
facilitates speedier access to and downloading of images, as well as their
manipulation and reuse. It makes great use of visual and multimedia formats in
all areas, particularly that of education. Ease of production and consumption,
however, does not always lead to educationally conscious and/or indeed moral or
ethical use of images. Innovations produced in the Internet era, and the impact
of the World Wide Web on science, commerce and entertainment, are certainly
evident for all to see. Less understood are the long-term effects of the digital
era on humanity and indeed how it inexorably changes human life. It will take
many years, in fact, to fully understand how these changes affect the human
cognition [
Veen and Vrakking 2006] or indeed to understand the changes
occurring in the relations between individuals [
Burgess and Green 2009].
Despite these problems, in the last two decades, studies that investigate the
relationship between image use and learning have increased and this led to the
development of an initial survey of the “state of the art”
that can help practitioners to be more aware of the function that image
consumption performs in the more general cognitive process of individuals. The
desire to help practitioners to be more aware of the real potential that visual
communication offers as learning support drove this project. When an image is
used to promote learning, it is necessary to consider whether and how it will
become functional in the general cognitive process of students. It is also
important to consider whether it is even possible to assess its impact and
usefulness. In-depth analysis of the existing literature on the evidence of
effectiveness of visual communication on human learning is an important first
step in developing understanding of the degree of functionality of image usage
and should also serve to inform guiding principles for the education of
practitioners, so as to prompt more effective and educationally aware choices.
There are clearly myriad variety in image types, and Calvani advocates that a
first distinction can be made between static and dynamic images and the degree
of realism they contain. Calvani differentiated between realism, realism adapted
and symbolization [
Calvani 2011]. Initially it may appear easy to
distinguish static and dynamic figures if one refers to the surface
characteristics of the image itself, i.e. how it is done. However, if one
transfers the discourse to a more cognitive (even philosophical) plane, one
might argue that there is dynamism even in stillness. In fact, in many
physically static diagrams there can exist a dynamic plane, because cognitively
they may indicate the occurrence of an action, and the representation of a
graphical model encourages the onlooker to think laterally toward some changes
Calvani 2011]
Paoletti 2011]. For example
1 represents a physically static diagram: the water cycle. However,
note what the arrows represent; they encourage the onlooker to think of the
changes taking place and therefore imply an intellectual dynamism.
Bearing in mind that the idea of reproduction of an objective reality is rather
naïve, one can still explore the concept of “realism” when referring to
representations that maintain a direct and explicit connection with the object
represented. This realism category includes artifacts such as photographs,
imitative drawings, maps, video sequences in real time, which have not been
manipulated in any form. Educationally relevant cognitive operations that are
associated with the use of these types of images are those such as object
recognition, comparison, classification, spatial orientation, discovery of the
types of views experienced and measurement. Calvani’s second category is defined
as “adapted realism”. In adapted realism, an alteration is intentionally
sought for specific purposes; it maintains a discreet relationship with the
original image (concrete referent) and is still recognizable, but there are
specific amendments in order to further understanding. This category usually has
an educational motivation. In this case selected operations are performed on the
image such as highlighting or schematization. This type of endeavour includes
the majority of the diagrams in scientific texts that simplify the complexity of
an object being represented, or which highlight particular aspects of it.
Dynamic representations can include endeavours such as demonstration videos,
which have been subjected to mounting, with specific space-time manipulation, in
order to highlight and communicate the relationship between elements or between
the parts and the whole. The educational functions prompted by these resources
are related to the focus of attention on internal aspects and recognition of
relationships and internal connections.
In the images shown here (
Fig . 2), one can discern
a photo and a drawing of the cardiac system. Both represent the same concrete
referent, but in design one notes changes or differences to some features of the
system, simplifying them and enlarging them. This is done because non-experts,
for example, would possibly have difficulty interpreting photos alone.
Therefore, to prompt better understanding of the structure and operation of the
system that is being viewed the drawing or symbolisation is used. This is the
third dimension that Calvani articulated, that of symbolization in the strictest
sense. According to the existing literature, symbolism concerns the
representation of complex phenomena. The representation adheres to the rules of
an entirely conventional code, through the use of lines, arrows, blocks,
organized patterns, or data and numbers arranged in specific orders. In this
context they include most of the diagrams with which one is familiar,
(conceptual maps, flowcharts, etc.). The cognitive functions that connect to
this type of images include: symbolizing, correlating, interpreting,
hypothesizing, deducing, constructing and testing models and systems [
Calvani 2011]. A pie chart, for example, provides immediate
quantitative and qualitative information on a phenomenon (
Fig . 3) that one subsequently interprets and
applies to one’s prior understanding.
2. Dual Coding Theory
Further study is required on the potential of the use of visual communication and
on the potential that images have to affect cognitive processes. The
relationship between images, words and thoughts were examined by Canadian
psychologist Allan Paivio in his seminal work on
Coding Theory that has significantly influenced theories of
multimedia learning [
Paivio 1991]. Dual Coding Theory argues that
there are two different encoding systems for processing and presentation of
information: a verbal system that takes care of verbal information and
linguistics and a nonverbal system that processes visual information and mental
images. When a stimulus, such as a word, is presented audibly, it is encoded by
the verbal system that uses the auditory subsystem. Because the word is
identified, it is compared with a basic representation unit, called
logogen, that is the representation of the word contained in
long-term memory. The same type of structure also characterizes the nonverbal
system, therefore image is encoded in the visual subsystem and is compared with
imagens units of representation of the images. The
logogens and the
imagens are related to each
other. For example, one can apprehend the mental image of a tree and then
describe it with the word tree, or hear the word tree and then form a
corresponding mental image. Various studies have shown the effect of superiority
of images or figures in remembrance [
Calvani 2011]
Paivio 1991]. When asked to recall a list of figures and words,
memory is better served by figures. With words, also, those referring to a
concrete object are remembered better than abstract ones. This happens,
according to Paivio, because the figures are processed by both systems. This
awareness may render more efficient designing of formative and learning
essentials for students in different age groups.
3. The Multimedia Representation Theory
Theoretical relationships between images and learning have been enhanced by the
work of German researcher Wolfgang Schnotz who proposed a model of multimedia
learning, noting the role of external representations, i.e. text and figure, and
internal, mental models in building a multimedia knowledge
#schnotz2001. External representations can be divided into verbal
and descriptive or pictorial representations or visual representations. External
ones can be descriptive or pictorial
[1] solely or
exclusively. Internal representations can be both descriptive and pictorial.
Mental models
[2] are in fact verbal
representations, because they are descriptions of inner language, but they are
also pictorial representations, as a mental model maintains the structural
characteristics of the object represented, that is, the object based on a
structural or functional analogy. Learning more effectively takes place in an
integrated model of such representations. Paoletti also has dealt with this
issue explaining that both text and shape can give life to a mental model, but
realize it by different routes. The first goes through the reading and
understanding of the text and this is the most challenging, because there are
several levels to be navigated, firstly the representation of the surface
structure of the text, then the representation of the ideas expressed in the
text and finally the formation of the mental model. A figure is more immediate
and direct; in fact the visual perception passes directly to the mental model.
In this case the figure, being an external analog representation, isomorphic to
the situation described by the text, can drive the process of elaboration of the
text, and so facilitate the construction of a mental model [
Paoletti 2011]. Another theory that has made a great contribution
to the understanding of the relationship between images and learning is the
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) by Chandler and Sweller
[3]. This theory focuses on the concept of cognitive resources available
during the execution of a task and how those resources are used and directional
during learning [
Chandler and Sweller 1991]. For the Cognitive Load Theory,
learning involves the construction of mental schemes and their automation. The
schemes are internal representations capable of mediating between the
information coming from the environment and knowledge that the subject already
possesses. The memory system is the tool that makes this possible link. It is
formed of three major subsystems: the sensory memory (MS), the working memory
(ML) and the long-term memory (LTM). For the CLT learning can be optimized if
the subject efficiently employs its working memory in the construction of mental
schemes required by the task.
In this respect, Sweller has developed the concept of cognitive load, which was
defined as the load imposed on the working memory from information presented
Sweller 1988], also understood as the mental effort perceived
by the student during learning. The cognitive load can be of three types: alien,
inherent and relevant. The extraneous cognitive load is associated with
processes that are not directly necessary for learning. That is instead
determined by the interaction between the intrinsic nature of the contents to be
learned and the student's pre-knowledge while the relevant concerns processes
that are directly associated with learning, namely the construction and
automation of patterns in the working memory. The theory was first concentrated
on the reduction of external loads and later studied the treatment of intrinsic
load which must be adapted to the student's needs through simplification
operations of the material to be learned. Such material can be considered more
or less complex in relation to the differences in the level of experience of the
subject and, therefore, the presentation mode should be selected on the basis of
pre-knowledge of the student [
Landriscina 2011].
4. The cognitive theory of multimedia learning
One of the most comprehensive theoretical models that try to explain the
cognitive dynamics underlying multimedia learning is that proposed by Richard
Mayer [
Mayer 2000]. The author, taking into account the concept of
double-encoding by Paivio and of the concept of cognitive load by Chandler and
Sweller, has developed an integrated model. Cognitive theory of multimedia
learning is based on three basic assumptions. The first states that visual and
auditory information processing takes place through two different channels. The
second states that the amount of information we can process in each channel is
limited so an undue burden hampers processing. The third basic assumption
observes that learning takes place when the subject develops actively the
information, i.e. when selecting the relevant information in each channel,
organizes them into consistent representations and integrates them with each
other and with those already held [
Cornoldi et al. 2005]. The cognitive
load theory and cognitive theory of multimedia learning have developed some real
operational guidelines for multimedia design. In particular the first identified
the effects produced on learning on the basis of how texts and figures are put
together and on the basis of the characteristics of the user and Mayer advocated
a number of fundamental principles to be taken into account in the
implementation of products. The first is the principle of multimedia, which adds
appropriate figures to a text, making it easier to understand. The second is the
spatial and temporal contiguity principle that enhances the closeness between
text and illustration. The third is the principle of consistency that highlights
negative effects of irrelevant information. The fourth is the modality principle
demonstrating the benefit of bimodal presentation (auditory and visual). The
fifth is the principle of redundancy that critiques lodged information in many
formats, such as: image, text and audio. The sixth and last is the segmentation
principle according to which it is better to present the multimedia material in
short segments controllable [
Mayer 2000]
Landriscina 2011].
5. Communication and psychological functions of images
Sometimes a figure is enough to understand a message, but more often than not the
interpretation of a message also requires some text. It is therefore appropriate
to examine the relationship of figure-text, which is accomplished through the
function that takes place within the text and vice versa. Many authors have
ventured into typological classification of the forms of visual communication
with different criteria. The authors distinguish between the surface
characteristics of an image and its psychological and communicative functions.
The surface characteristics affect the appearance of an image and the way in
which it was created; communicative functions are for image transmission
aspects, i.e. how the image conveys information. Psychological ones, however,
relate to the way in which visual elements interact with the human cognitive
system and provide useful information in relation to the purposes with which
images can be used in teaching. The surface characteristics affect teaching
effectiveness only marginally. The communicative functions and psychological
ones, instead, make more effective use of the photo from the point of view of
learning. According to the taxonomy of Clark and Lyons the communicative
functions are: decorative, mnemonic, organizational, relational, representative,
transformative and interpretive; while psychological functions are: support for
the attention, enabling knowledge, cognitive load minimization, construction of
mental models, support for the transfer of learning and support for motivation
Clark and Lyons 2010].
6. From theory to practice: the results of a research-ethics education and
health promotion in Italy
Using some basic principles of visual communication, Cognitive Load Theory and
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, the authors have designed and built an
educational workshop for ethical values within an international project of
health promotion focused on: “Developmental Trajectories of
Pedagogy of Care Applied to Training Subjects”, which involves
Italian students (and some students from Ireland), between 9 and 18 years old.
The first educational workshop of ethical values in Italy project involved 132
students in fifth grade curriculum and experienced experts (pedagogues,
philosophers, psychologists and experts in graphic design) in collaboration with
teachers in a southern Italian primary school in the first educational cycle:
“G. Bovio” in Ruvo di Puglia (Ba). The premise
for the project was based upon reflection on cultural and social contexts
underlined by the previous two surveys of the juvenile condition in Italy
Istituto IARD “at the beginning of the new century”. They reveal the
restlessness and confusion of youth in the face of the profound changes that
characterize post-modernity and provide a mass of data of particular interest to
pedagogical reflection
#buzzi2007. A trait that characterizes the profile of young
people currently is the loss of strong role models and the propensity to take
references identity as flexible combined with the changing beliefs that include
that there are no more qualities that are not transient, that our mortal soul “is rather a thousand
fragments physiognomy”
#bellingreri2014. Other traits that characterize the profile of young contemporaries are:
lack of stability in interpersonal relationships; difficulties in communication;
lack of shared languages; marked individualisation; narcissism; paroxysmal
defense of personal freedom; subjectivation and misunderstanding of social
standards; relationship difficulties with parents and teachers; widespread
social and political disengagement; lack of guilt; sunset superego; aesthetic
culture spread; hedonistic culture spread; attention to live in the present
moment; great trust in the possibilities; and lack of hope towards the
This data confirmed, moreover, by the latest European research
#EMCDDA2014 appears even more worrisome if matched to the World
Drugs Report data
#WDR2015. In particular, the report entitled
“Prevalence of drug use in the youth population”
#REPORT2015 reports the following data on the use of soft drugs,
which cannot but cause concern among families and educators in various
capacities: 39 % (10-12 years) North America (Canada), using cannabis at least
once in 2014; 35 % (15-16 years) Czech Republic; 28 % (9-10 years) United
States; 20% (15-16 years), Chile and Bulgaria; 11% (15-19 years), Italy. The
SAR, the European agency that investigates the diffusion of psychoactive
substances has reported a total of 101 new substances in 2014. These trends are
clearly worrisome.
Thus it was in this context that the research question was born: What type of
educational provision in the early years of schooling for pupils is necessary to
prevent these trends and to promote the integral formation and the well-being of
the human person? In tandem with the research focus was the desire for an
integrated educational project, namely an active network that links formal and
informal educational agencies to promote integral health and human wellbeing
from the early years of life. In the school year 2015-2016 the “Quality of life” network was developed, involving
different grade schools, institutions' families, local health authorities,
associations of the municipality of Ruvo di Puglia, coordinated by the
University of Bari. Following the suggestions of Edgard Morin, who advocates the
importance of a new kind of education that can really teach people to live a
good life, the educational workshop followed a twofold purpose: primarily aimed
at youth health promotion, and included a pedagogy of cooperation between formal
and informal training agencies, through a process of growing awareness of the
potential and the risks that young people now face
Secondly, the project aimed to explore with young people how to take care of
themselves and others through the means of visual communication, writing fiction
and autobiographical writing, to chart a new path of sustainable development
ethics and inclusive education in a shared model.
7. Materials and methods
We believe the positivistic paradigm is inadequate to investigate some areas of
education. Much of the essence of the educational phenomenon is as a unique and
unrepeatable epistemic device that does not lend itself easily to the positivist
lens. Epistemic ecological paradigm-related guidelines are best suited to
investigate the world of education. That is why we chose to use
quanti-qualitative tools and standards to investigate the particular scope of
educational research represented by the ethical education of values, within a
framework of full welfare and health promotion. There were several epistemic
ecological paradigm-related underpinnings, which included a phenomenological
approach, a critical approach and a participatory approach. These approaches
express different philosophies which are not mutually exclusive. In this
research work, in particular, we favored a phenomenological-hermeneutic
interpretive approach, which takes account of empirical data. The
phenomenological hermeneutic paradigm aims at the elaboration of scientific
reports defined as “interpretative descriptions”. It's mostly this
paradigm, which has developed theories of phenomenological research as it
applies to education. The starting point was the experience, to investigate
networks and meanings that participants identified. The phenomenological
methodology excludes generalizations. The essence of the phenomenological
orientation is to be faithful to the phenomenon itself; the epistemic imperative
is to “go to the things themselves”. Things are not perceived
as factual, but as elements of consciousness, objects of intuition, the essence
of things revealed to consciousness. The researcher should, according to this
paradigm, study things in their setting, knowing that they can manifest
themselves in different ways according to the ways of accessing them. In order
to be faithful to the phenomenon researchers should refer to the principle of
evidence: and the authors adhered to this principle. They also recognized that
phenomena do not always appear to be completely transparent to one’s gaze, but
rather that everything has its own specific way of transcending appearance. This
makes the researcher humble and modest in the results obtained and motivates
further research that can identify and promote empowering strategies that can
contribute to new improvements for the human person.
8. An innovative teaching program with some principles and tools of visual
In the workshop, along with some Mexican folk patterns, representing some
virtues indispensable for the integral development of the human person, we used
the interactive whiteboard (IWB) that is a device that, when compared to other
similar technological tools, is designed specifically for the school and with
the school. As is with the size of a traditional whiteboard, on the surface it
is possible to write, manage files, images, videos and browse the web resources.
A projector projects the computer's desktop on the surface of the Board, on
which one can interact through the use of a pen, a finger, a stylus or other
device (Wikipedia 06/2013). The students were very interested in using the IWB.
Our research shows that the digital whiteboard has a direct effect on the degree
of students' participation in the lesson. The digital whiteboard has made
possible a better presentation of content based on the use of images and movies
that have attracted students' attention.
In the first lesson we explained to the pupils the purpose of the pedagogical
laboratory. Projecting on the interactive whiteboard (IWB) the image replayed
below (Figure 4), we presented the laboratory as an interesting research path to
understand content and form of “virtue” according to a simple
philosophical definition.
A questionnaire was administered at the entrance to evaluate the socio-ethical
affective literacy of the students involved in the project. The questions
- The definition of the concept of virtue according to the Western
philosophical tradition.
- The Aristotelian definition of cardinal human virtues.
- The reason for the importance given by the Western philosophical
tradition to the paideia of virtues in
the education of the young generations.
- The perception of pupils of a possible gap between education and
training, theory and educational practice.
- The perception of the existence, by the students, of possible gaps in
the education given by the school.
- The behavioral habits of pupils inside and outside the school.
- The quality of interpersonal relationships with teachers, classmates
and family members.
- The importance of reading and reflection.
- The use of new technologies inside and outside the school.
- The influence of mass media, social networks and of the dominant
culture over one's way of thinking.
- Sense of satisfaction and well-being in the school.
- Sense of satisfaction and well-being outside the school.
- Possible educational needs not completely satisfied by the curriculum
In the second lesson, according to the data from the questionnaire, a
mini-course of socio-ethical-affective literacy was proposed. Using the means of
Visual Communication (in particular the digital
whiteboard, images, audio, video clips) we created an interesting experience of
rapid literacy and interactive and cooperative learning. Subsequently, the
pupils were divided into small groups and realized an artistic production
related to the contents learned. The moment of final sharing was particularly
appreciated by the students who had shown a team spirit in the groups. Only in
one case, a child refused to work with their group mates and worked alone.
In the third meeting an interview was held by the children with the headmaster,
the councilor for the education of the municipality to which he belongs, a
psychologist and a doctor on the fascinating and little-known theme of the
fundamental human virtues that help one to live well with oneself and with
others. At the end of the interviews there arose a lively debate that involved
the guests of the lesson and the interviewers. The simplicity and the frankness
of the new questions of the children, who now went beyond the outline of the
questions proposed at the beginning of the debate, questioned the same
“experts”. The principal of the school and the
commissioner thanked the students for this meeting and promised to continue to
question themselves on these issues so crucial for their private life and for
the important profession that they play.
In the fourth lesson, the virtue of generosity was presented to the students
through the story of Oscar Wilde's “Little Prince”.
Animated video clips kept pupils glued to their chairs for almost an hour. At
the end of the viewing, the children were invited to enter their past, to look
for an episode of generosity, the most significant and unforgettable, really
experienced as spectators / protagonists. After completing this mnemonic effort,
the children were asked to write down individually the event that would then be
shared freely with their fellow students. The stories told were simple, but one
more beautiful than the other.
In the fifth meeting the gratuitousness of love was explained through the vision
of part of “Beauty and the Beast”. Below we have
created an artistic workshop in small groups. The best job was put on the school
website. The “homework” was, like at the end of each meeting,
the imitation of virtuous models to be happy. The smiles and serene faces of the
children seemed to us a sign of their interest and satisfaction. Also the fact
that the students often remained in the classroom after the bell sounded and
that some shouted: “We are still a bit”, seemed to us a sign of their
interest in the themes and teaching methods.
For the last lesson we organized an educational experience of Intergenerational
Exchange between the students and the elderly, guests of a retirement home.
During the meeting-party there was the mutual presentation of pupils and elders,
through the support of a video clip, the interview, made by some students to the
elderly, the delivery of a flower, drawings and poems of children and the
sharing an ice cream. The children and the elderly were smiling and some held
hands and sang. At the end of the party we again gave the students the initial
questionnaire to perform a comparative analysis.
At the end of the educational experiment we can affirm, in agreement with what
is said in the literature (
#slay2008), that using the means of
Visual Communication
(in particular the digital whiteboard, images, audio, video clips) we pursued
the following purposes:
- Make the most engaging lessons;
- Keep the student’s attention and make the most interesting
- Promote interaction with content, teachers, within the
- Integrate different languages (oral and written, iconic,
multimedia, etc.).
- Allowing the manipulation of learning objects and the
activation of all the sensory channels.
- Allow and encourage various forms and multiple approaches to
- Allow to overcome the digital divide.
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 are examples of patterns that were used to explain to children
aged between 9 to 10 some modern cardinal virtues expressed by the philosophical
concepts of
resilience (Fig. 5) and
prudence (Fig. 6). Figures and texts have been put together on the
basis of the characteristics of the users. We also followed three basic
- The Principle of the Multimediality by
Landriscina [Landriscina 2011] which involves the use of
appropriate shapes to the texts presented, useful to facilitate the
understanding of the texts themselves.
- The Principle of Spatial-Temporal Contiguity
by Landriscina [Landriscina 2011] which values
the proximity between text and figure in view of learning content.
- The Principle of Segmentation by Mayer
#mayer2011 who states that it is better to present
the material in short controllable segments.
Referring to
Dual Coding Theory
Paivio 1991] and to
Representation Theory we designed and implemented an educational
workshop for primary school students. In the educational workshop we selected
relevant information and organized it into coherent representations, so as to
complement the knowledge already possessed by pupils [
Cornoldi et al. 2005]. The presentation of the multimedia material, into small segments, has been
alternating with the reading, by the teacher, of texts related to the subject.
Each lesson ended with a graphic-pictorial production realized in small groups.
The guiding principle of the whole educational workshop was the
Principle of Bimodality of Cognitive Learning Theory
Mayer et al. 2001]
Landriscina 2011]. It states that it is possible to demonstrate
the advantage of bimodal presentation (auditory and visual). Following, also,
Principle of Redundancy of the same theory,
which criticizes the presentation of the same information in too many formats,
we avoided using the third format (audio), preferring the
bimodal presentation
Mayer et al. 2001]
Landriscina 2011].
A virtues meter questionnaire
Our studies reveal that actually there is not a test to assess ethical literacy
literature-values as this area of investigation is still little investigated,
despite the recent bloom of research conducted in Italy around these important
#mortari2015. This is the reason why at the beginning of the
workshop activities we elaborated and used a virtues meter questionnaire to
verify whether the educational activity carried out from school (the first
educational cycle: “G. Bovio”) and family was
efficient in relation to what Morin defines as the main objective of education:
“teaching to live”. In
particular, through a set of questions that investigate thought and action of
young people we verified whether the educational activity is capable of focusing
the heart of the educational issue: the development of a thought useful for
life. The basic hypothesis, confirmed by the international literature and
statistical data (
#ISTAT2014 on behavioral habits
in young people;
#wrd2015), was that
there are serious gaps in the current educational system, which is too much
inclined towards the specialization and fragmentation of knowledge and
marginally interested in the integral formation of the human person. In
particular, the questionnaire pursued two principal research objectives:
- Evaluation of the level of metacognition and ethical-valorial
- Evaluation of behavioral habits, of futurization and level of
satisfaction and wellness.
In detail:
- a) In order to evaluate the concept of metacognition the following
indicators have been utilized: Reading; Listening; Ability to remain in
silence; Ability of reflecting on own actions; Ability to fix own
errors. Instead, (Table 1).
- b) in order to evaluate the ethical-valorial literacy the following
indicators have been utilized: knowledge of Moral; knowledge of Virtue;
good life habits; relations with Religion; relationship with Philosophy
and with classic literature (Table
- c) In order to evaluate the behavioral habits, the following
indicators have been utilized: Use of profanities; Critical issues in
relationships, educational profit, the number of good deeds performed
during the last week (Table 3).
- d) In order to evaluate the futurization, the following indicators
have been utilized: dreams; work/fight (Table
- e) In order to evaluate the level of satisfaction and wellness, the
following indicators have been utilized: to love and to be loved;
resilience (Table 5).
The present questionnaire has been validated based on the following criteria: 1)
face validity or apparent validity; 2) content validity; 3) construct validity
and, in detail, factorial validity. Face validity or apparent validity refers to
the perception of detecting instrument on the part of those involved in the data
collection and for which we have adapted questions to the subject of the search
so that those questions were then recognized as valid in relation to the
objectives of the research. The content validity refers to contents expressed by
indicators, which should be consistent with how you plan to detect and represent
the objectives of the survey. In our study the set of indicators chosen for a
concept actually covers the entire domain of meaning of the concept in question.
To do this we have controlled on a purely theoretical basis, decomposing
analytically the concept studied in all its dimensions and ensuring that the
indicator covers all through a review of the literature and listening to the
opinion of several courts. Factorial validity can be seen in the correspondence
between the contents of the hypothesis (the gaps in moral education) and
empirical data that we obtained by the indicators (see T 1; T 2; T 3; T 4; T 5).
10. Results and discussion
These are the levels of the indicators obtained before and after the educational
health promotion workshop. In particular, Table 1-5 show the levels of the
indicators for the concept of
metacognition (
Tab. 1); for the
literacy (
Tab. 2); for the
behavioral habits (
Tab. 3);
for the
futurization (
4); for the
wellness/satisfaction (
Tab. 5).
Reading |
Listening |
Ability to remain in silence |
Ability of reflecting on own actions |
Ability to fix own errors |
Before the Course |
4% |
7% |
1% |
19% |
11% |
After the Course |
10% |
21% |
9% |
31% |
27% |
Table 1.
Evaluation of the concept of metacognition. Average increase 11.2%.
Knowledge of moral |
Knowledge of virtues |
Good life habits |
Relationship with religion |
Relationship with Philosophy and with classic
literature |
Before the Course |
4% |
9% |
11% |
17% |
2% |
After the Course |
70% |
83% |
21% |
41% |
13% |
Table 2.
Validation of the concept of ethical-valorial literacy. Average increase
Use of profanities |
Critical issues in relationships |
Educational profit |
Number of good deeds performed during the last
week |
Before the Course |
21% |
15% |
27% |
3% |
After the Course |
7% |
4% |
35% |
7% |
Table 3.
Validation of the concept of behavioral habits. Average increase
Dreams |
Work and fight |
Before the Course |
12% |
14% |
After the Course |
47% |
29% |
Table 4.
Validation of the concept of futurization
Level of satisfaction |
To love and to be loved |
Resilience |
Before the Course |
15% |
15% |
4% |
After the Course |
39% |
41% |
17% |
Table 5.
Validation of the concept of wellness/satisfaction. Average increase
It is clearly seen as the execution of the course has a positive effect on all
investigated indicators.
In particular, an average increase of 11,2% was obtained for the indicator of
metacognition. For the indicator of
behavioral habits we obtained an average decrease of 11,2% in
use of profanities among pupils. The
Educational profit increased by 8% and the
number of
good deeds performed during the last week increased by 4%. The
indicator of
futurization increased on average by 25%.
The indicator of
satisfaction/wellness increased on
average by 21%. The empirical analyses revealed educational changes which cannot
be enclosed in rigid tables and on which it is worthy to reflect:
- Recurrent use of kind words;
- enthusiasm;
- curiosity;
- desire to learn new things;
- cooperativeness;
- industry;
- commitment.
The increase of the indicators combined with some qualitative observations
encourages us to believe that the educational workshop achieved the planned
objectives. The level of the concept of metacognition indicators (
Fig. 7) reveal a significant increase in capacity
reading and listening, ability to remain in silence,
ability of reflecting on own actions, and ability to fix own errors
after the Course. Probably, as Luigina Mortari states, the ethical-valorial
literacy acting on the cognitive and emotional level of the human person allows
the development of silent and unused human potentials in our postmodern culture,
which can convey true well-being
Figure 8 shows the results of the level of the concept of wellness/satisfaction
indicators. The increase in level of satisfaction, the ability to love, and the
level of resilence encourages us to continue the research in the direction of
ethico-values education supported by tools of Visual
We consider as truthful the postulate hinge of the scientific method according to
which from the observation we pass to the theory. For what concerns the
educational, we consider as truthful the postulate which affirms that the
verification of the validity of a hypothesis takes place through educational
practice. From this it derives that, given the results of the empirical survey
conducted with the quali-quantitative method described, significantly unbalanced
towards the confirmation of the receptivity and plasticity of intentional will
or conscience and of the intelligence of the individual, it is legitimate to
affirm, with an appreciable degree of scientific certainty, that:
- Visual Communication Tools are able to support
and intersect education;
- Visual Communication Tools are useful for
promoting health and well-being in schools;
- Visual Communication Tools keep the pupils'
interest alive for a time much longer than the oral and literary
instruments of traditional learning;
- Visual Communication Tools are particularly
suitable for stimulating the intentionality of conscience in the search
for truth and in socio-ethical-affective literacy.
Furthermore, the empirical experience conducted on the Italian sample leads us to
consider the effectiveness of a socio-ethical-affective literacy for the
development of metacognitive skills, proto-social skills and individual ethical
postures of health and well-being within and outside the school.
These deductions, as we have shown in the previous arrays, are, however, in
harmony and do not contrast with what was recently reported in the international
An element of particular originality of the present work can be grasped in the
choice of the application field in which to test the effectiveness of the new
technologies in the didactic field.
The didactic use of new technologies to promote, through a
socio-ethical-affective literacy, a new kind of wellbeing and the integral
health of the students appears in Italy as an absolutely novel fact.
From the ability to convey new contents of education through new methodologies
that complement, without replacing, the more traditional teaching methods, the
integral renewal of education that can train man and the citizen of tomorrow may
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