DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly

DHQ People

DHQ Editors

Editor in Chief: Julia Flanders, Northeastern University
General Editor: Wendell Piez, National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
General Editor and Associate Interactive Media Editor: Melissa Terras, University College London
Associate Interactive Media Editor: Geoffrey Rockwell, University of Alberta
Technical Editor: John A. Walsh, Indiana University
Utility Infielder: John Unsworth, University of Virginia
Articles Editor: Jessica Pressman, University of California, San Diego
Articles Editor: Adriaan van der Weel, University of Leiden
Visualization Editor: Stéfan Sinclair, McGill University
Reviews Editor (North America): Sarah Buchanan
Internationalization Editor: Alex Gil, Columbia University

Managing Editors

The Managing Editors are responsible for managing the journal's submission, review, and production processes. They also undertake special projects as needed for the development of the journal.

  • Cassandra Cloutier, Northeastern University
  • Jacob Murel, Northeastern University
  • Duyen Nguyen, Northeastern University
  • William Quinn, Northeastern University

Contributing Reviewers

The Contributing Reviewers work with the Reviews Editors to recruit review articles on books, software tools, sites, and other materials.

  • Alan Bilansky, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Marco Büchler, Natural Language Processing Group, Leipzig University, Germany
  • Claire Clivaz, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Lydie Danjean, electronic publisher (XML/TEI) for University of Tours, University Presses of Caen, and Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon, France
  • Marten Stromberg, University of Illinois Rare Book and Manuscript Library, USA

Peer Review Advisors

The Peer Review Advisors work with the Managing Editors and authors on the process of article revision.

  • Andrew Jewell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Aimée Morrison, University of Waterloo
  • Lisa Swanstrom, Florida Atlantic University

Development Staff

The Development Staff are responsible for the technical architecture and implementation of the journal's publication systems.

  • Design, Usability & Technical Support: Michelle Dalmau, Indiana University
  • Open Journal Systems Support: Patrick Murray-John and Karl Yee, Northeastern University
  • Bibliographic Developer: David DeCamp, Northeastern University
  • Associate Technical Editor: Chuck Burd

Advisory Board

  • Dino Buzzetti, Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna
  • Greg Crane, Department of Classics, Tufts University
  • Marilyn Deegan, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College, London
  • Johanna Drucker, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Kurt Gärtner, University of Trier
  • Susan Hockey, University College London
  • Claus Huitfeldt, University of Bergen
  • Matthew Kirschenbaum, University of Maryland
  • Alan Liu, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Willard McCarty, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College, London
  • Jerome McGann, University of Virginia
  • Allen Renear, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Massimo Riva, Department of Italian Studies, Brown University
  • Geoffrey Rockwell, University of Alberta
  • C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Black Mesa Technologies
  • John Unsworth, Brandeis University